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NEWS News and Views: Actualities of interest for researcher working with water frogs. Species list and General biology water frogs are remarkable: persistent hybrids are known to exclude one of the parental genomes in their germlines. BIOLOGY
PEOPLE Researcher are working either with water frogs or are interested in research with this group. Phylogeny , Relationship among water frogs. The phylogeny is cross-linked with the Tree of Life . PHYLO
OTHER Other sites with either frog and/or scientific content. Bibliography: Literature and Abstracts related to the study of water frogs. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Webmaster Peter Beerli (beerli@csit.fsu.edu)

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Title art work by Lucrezia Bieler, 1997, other pictures and sounds are, except PoweredByFreedom or were explicitely stated,
copyrighted © 1997 Peter Beerli